Texas Kari's Law

Direct access to 9-1-1 service and multi-line telephone systems.

For a multi-line telephone system that provides outbound dialing, Texas Kari's Law requires direct access to 9-1-1 service without the user having to first dial an initial number, digit, prefix or other access number or code before dialing 9-1-1. On March 1, 2016 the Commission on State Emergency Communications adopted Rule 251.16 (Direct Access to 9-1-1 Service) to implement Texas Kari’s Law.

Compliance with Texas Kari’s Law is required by September 1, 2016. Otherwise, a waiver form must be completed every year. The waiver is valid September 1 through August 31.

More questions? See our FAQs or contact karislaw@texas911.org

Background on Texas Kari's Law

On May 15, 2015, Governor Abbott signed Senate Bill 788 (Texas Kari's Law). The law represents the culmination of efforts in the aftermath of the murder of Kari Hunt in a motel room in Marshall, Texas. Ms. Hunt’s 9-year-old daughter tried to call 9-1-1 for help four times from the motel room phone. The call never went through because she did not know to first dial “9” for an outbound line before dialing “9-1-1.” On March 1, 2016, Commission on State Emergency Communications Rule 251.16 (Direct Access to 9-1-1 Service) adopted to implement Texas Kari’s Law went into effect.

Additional Information

Contact: karislaw@texas911.org
Read more information about Texas Kari’s Law: FAQs, SB788, or CSEC rule 251.16.

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